College life

4 Pieces of Realistic Advice for Applying to Your First Job

I got a call the other day from my sweet Pop-pop. He was overjoyed to hear my voice, and even more so to talk about my impending graduation.

“Katie, we are all just so proud of you. Congratulations, how amazing!”


The praise went on from there, and even though I usually love to accept compliments (especially from my dear sweet Pop) all I could think was, “Congratulations? HAHA, good one!”

Look at Pop’s sweet face!!!!

I died a little more inside thinking about how my warm and safe college lifejacket will soon be ripped out from under me, leaving me flailing around in my own ocean of dread and nervousness hoping that Baywatch Zach Efron will come soon to save me from becoming a big girl in the “real world.”

Here’s the thing, I am a level-headed human being when it comes to most things, but applying for jobs with high hopes and low expectations is equal parts daunting and upsetting. It makes me question all the time I spent in school and the major I chose to study. Worst of all, it makes me question myself and why I was never smart enough to make it in finance, bio, or business. (Okay okay, I know it is equally hard to find jobs in those fields right now — this is just how I justify my frustration!)

It’s normal to be anxious and nervous and upset and frustrated about post-grad life. And it’s even more normal to ogle over the dream jobs some of your older friends have managed to land…especially when the job interviews you have (or haven’t) been called for are not all fairytale happy endings like you pictured.

But the grass is always greener and eventually things will work out for all us unemployed kiddos too. We’ve gotta keep the faith.

So, for days when you are feeling like you will never make it, or accomplish that dream that seems so far away at this moment, remember to keep your expectations realistic.

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