Fashion clothing collections

5 Of The Best Sneakers Of All Time


I suppose this article should could be called something like ‘My Top 5 Favourite Sneakers That I Think Every Guy Should Own’, but the title chosen gives the piece a sense of grandeur that I quite like.

If you read my 2014 Fashion & Style Resolutions article, you will know that something I am personally trying to do this year is focus on the areas of my style that I have previously neglected.


When I first started out on my long and winding sartorial road, I leaned toward the more formal end of the style spectrum. At the time, there was a big focus in most magazines, blogs and websites on tailoring and other smarter pieces such as dress shirts, ties and trousers.

As this was my first real foray into menswear, I was heavily influenced by the pictures I saw and articles I read, which meant those were the aspects of fashion and style that I drew the most inspiration from.

However, due to the fact that I now tend to wear tailoring most days of the week, when it comes to the weekend or evening I’ve begun to favour a simpler, more casual aesthetic. Aside from being more comfortable and relaxed, it also allows more room for drunken mishaps and spillages that won’t end in a hungover morning trip to the dry cleaners. Which, as we all know, is the worst walk of shame in the world.

5 Of The Best Sneakers Of All Time

With the above in mind – and along with a renewed interest in denim, cotton t-shirts and Harrington jackets – I’ve started to build my own sneaker collection.

As with most things concerning style, I’ve done plenty of research: tried on hundreds of pairs, looked at each one’s merit and considered whether they will go with the pieces already present in my wardrobe.

I’ve concluded that I like simple designs in classic neutral palettes, with a shot of colour here and there. These are the most versatile options available to the modern man and can even be used to dress down tailored pieces such as tweed trousers or the smartest of blazers.

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