
4 Months Old Baby: Care, Development and Milestones

2. Toys and Playing:

Talking of toys, you can finally introduce him to unbreakable toys, but do clean them well, since most of it is going to end up in his mouth for sure. Try not to give him too tiny parts. Avoid sharp toys and balloons.

3. Feeding:

As per the food chart, you can breastfeed 4 months baby until his content every four hours. If you are giving solid mashed food, do not provide more than 2 ounces and three times a day, only if the baby is ready.


See More: Toys For 4 Month Old Baby

4. Schedule:

Most of the time, the four month schedule may look appear similar to this. While he sleeps no more than five hours a day, in gaps, you may find most time going to feeding and playing. He should be active during the day when not asleep and babble around often with familiar people.

4 Month Baby Care:

The common points which are often advised by doctors and nurses regarding baby care at four months are as follows,

  • Most health care centers recommend keeping your child away from any digital screen until the age of two. However, impossible as it is, do try to avoid programs that involve violence as it might affect your child the wrong way.
  • There is a lot of brain development involved by the age of four, so keep a distance from bouncers and use of the well-known perambulators, as these hinder the growth in your child by slowing it down.
  • Never let your baby get exposed to bad sun rays. Let him stay indoors at peak sun.
  • Cover up your baby well during colder times and winters.
  • Morning sun rays, however, are recommended, practice taking him to the mild morning sun.
  • Take care of bugs and insect bites around the baby. Prevent them and keep the surroundings always clean.

Additional Tips:

Here are some more additional suggestions on notable things to do with 4 month old baby,

  1. Always have a regular checkup from your doctor. Give immunization and vaccines on time.
  2. Do not keep changing the baby’s paediatrician as the health profile can be known well only to one family doctor.
  3. Make sure there are no tiny or sharp objects around him as the baby will now hold the objects to mouth.
  4. Spend time with the baby to talk and tell stories. You may begin him reacting and responding to your voice.
  5. Childproof the areas by now and make sure the environment is child safe. Put locks on cabinets, close the switchboard slowly before the child begins to reach them in the coming months.

Supporting Baby’s Developments:

It is crucial always to spend time with your infant. Your baby will begin to respond to familiar faces, caretakers and babble around. He will make noises and like people talking or playing with him. Cooperating and spending time with him will help in overall activity and physical as well as social development of the child.

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