
32 Weeks Pregnant: Signs,Symptoms and Developments

32 weeks pregnant what to expect? Well, a lot. If you look back, you and your baby made very good progress, a step a day closer to delivery. The initial emotional hurdles would have become a regular thing for you. It is time for you to relax a little bit and take a moment to understand your body.


What Month and Trimester Are You In at 32 Weeks Pregnant?

You are in your seventh month and in the last trimester of pregnancy. This means you still have some more time left to mentally prepare yourself for the day.

32 Weeks Pregnant: Symptoms & Developments

1. Set in His Position:

When it all starts, the baby will be seen to float in the amniotic fluid head up and legs down, but at the 32nd week he senses his days of leave, and so one morning you might feel a lot of rumbling and tumbling in your tummy and guess what the ultrasound will find your baby to be like? By now, your baby has turned upside down and positioned himself at the entrance. The usual kick and punches would let you know he can no longer live the boxed-in life. But do not worry he is not uncomfortable since his head fits better that way in your pear-shaped uterus.

See More: 33 Weeks Of Pregnancy Do’s and Don’ts

2. Skin Affairs:

The initial stage of the fetus would be nothing, but a piece of skin on a skeletal structure but God knows best how to create the perfect human, so he waits for all these months to perfect the internal affairs. Now that it is done from the 30th week, the inner layers of fat develop. Now in the 32nd week, the baby’s once saggy crinkly skin is now being filled with layers of baby fat. His cheeks are inflating, and so is his gut as he consumes more food. A white waxy substance called the vernixcaseosa that once covered his skin now has worn off giving the amniotic fluid a light milky colour. The lanugo or the soft baby hair covering his body is retracting too.

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