
First Month Of Pregnancy Diet – Which Foods To Eat And Avoid

Your health and body becomes utmost important now. You may hardly even get to know if you are pregnant. The first month goes unnoticed. But, when you get to know, it is essential you start building a sturdy plan of action. Healthy food for first month pregnancy is a mix of cheese, vegetables, fruits and nuts. Here is a look into how your diet chart should look like.


Importance of 1 Month Pregnancy Food:

Planning to conceive means to cut down on a lot of things. You need to cut down on your sudden street food cravings, your caffeine, sugar and even aerated drinks. We say this because once you decide to let the child take shape, then you need to understand that whatever you eat has an impact on the baby that is growing. It is through your food the baby grows and many of its organs take shape. Thus, plan your diet chart carefully, so that the baby and you receive the needed nutrients and dietary supplements.

First Month Pregnancy Diet Chart:

Start healthy from day one. Make no compromises here and follow the diet like a ritual. Take a look at some of the best food to consume during pregnancy and what can be avoided. What to eat in the first month of pregnancy is something one need not worry any more. We have put them here for you.

See More: Second Month of Pregnancy Diet

Food Chart for 1 Month Pregnant:

Take a look at what you need to eat in this period.

1. Folate Rich Foods During Pregnancy:

Substitute your pills with some healthy food. Folate-rich food is important for the proper growth of the embryo. Orange, green vegetables like broccoli, beans, eggs, potatoes etc. are foods that contain folate.

2. Vitamin B6 Enriched Supplements:

Vitamin is the most important supplement for pregnant ladies. Foods that contain vitamin B6 are very much essential as per 1st month pregnancy diet. It gives relief from vomiting, one big annoyance during pregnancy. Foods like peanut butter, bananas, salmon, and nuts are rich in vitamin B6.

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