
1 Year Old Baby – Weight, Development & Milestones

Now that your baby has turned 1, congratulations on being a parent for a whole year. While that may be quite a special experience and a learning one as well, you are not done yet. In fact, you tend to keep learning till the end of your parenthood. And that is something that never ends. It is said that the learning in life never ends and we do keep learning something new every day and parenthood is no different. While you may be happy that you have been able to cross the crucial one year without any major setbacks, you are not done just yet. There are a lot of things you need to keep in mind because your one year old baby needs more attention now than ever. Here are a few things that you need to consider in detail.


1. Feeding Him/Her:

Feeding your child may be a fun time. But it will not be as fun if you have to push the food into your baby’s mouth. It is not always right to feed them all the time. Since we as adults are used to three meals a day, we intend to keep them also up to the schedule. But, they still haven’t reached our stage of timing. So, allow your baby to skip a meal. It is completely fine. But make sure you give them the food when they are hungry. Now that doesn’t imply that you will keep serving as and when they demand. Complicated right?

Well, firstly make it a point to bring out the food at the regular meal times so that they know that its food time. Believe it or not, they will sense it with time. They will know when their feeding time comes up. Anyway, you also need to make sure that apart from the three meals, they also need a few snacks during the course of the day. Now that’s a diet for a one year old baby. So be on the lookout and keep a track of what is being fed and what isn’t.

2. Weight of Your Baby:

One of the most important things you need to note is the weight. That is the only way you get to track how healthy your one year old baby is. Now if you find him overweight, try and figure out some of the activities for 1 year old baby and do it with them and keep them active and follow what your doctor says regarding the diet. But if you are finding your baby underweight, then you are about to have a little panic attack. Do not miss out a single thing your baby’s doctor tells you regarding the weight. Generally, your one year old should be weighing a healthy 22 pounds if it is a she and a healthy 23 is a he. So keep the weight in check and follow up with your doctor visits.

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