Girls fashion outfits

16 Easy Ideas on What to Wear Today | Expert Style Advice

What to Wear Today. If you are anything like me, the effort and time it takes to figure out a cute ensemble day after day can get seriously draining. With all the daily stresses we deal with, trying to think up new and cool ways to style the same old pieces can become so taxing that we give up altogether and just throw on the same boring old outfits. Sound familiar? Girl, we get it.

That’s why in today’s article, we are going to do all the work for you. Bookmark this page for the next time you are staring at your closet, fighting back tears, not knowing what to wear. Don’t worry about looking trendy or cute: just follow the simple step-by-step looks we have curated below and looking cute will be a give-in. Wondering what is trending? Or what’s currently in style? Now you don’t have to. These basic but timeless tips won’t let you down and you can refer back to them over and over again. Think of this post like the one-armed hug of a big sister or aunt who is just going to do all the heavy lifting for you and take out some of the stressful guesswork. Ready? Let’s go!


Tips For When You Don’t Know What to Wear

Before anything else, let’s address the elephant in the room. What the heck do you wear when you don’t KNOW what to wear! Whether you are just plain fed up with your current wardrobe or you have some serious WFH (work from home) brain and can’t stand to put together one more cute, casual, but stylish look, these tips will freshen up your outlook and help you tackle what, for many, has become a daily nightmare. Here they are:

  • Take a deep breath. No, seriously. Sometimes we get so overwhelmed we literally forget to breathe. But deep breathing, particularly when we are stressed or just fed up, will supply our brains with the oxygen it needs to think calmly and rationally and it also stimulates our parasympathetic nervous system. (Who knew deciding what to wear could get so serious?! Well, as with any area in life, decision fatigue and overwhelm can creep on us unawares and can show up in innocent scenarios like getting dressed in the morning.) So try taking some deep breaths before going any further.
  • Don’t throw out everything in your closet. We know, it’s tempting. But there’s no need to go blow all your cash on starting over with your wardrobe. Let’s make do. It’s easier than you think!
  • Put on your favorite pair of earrings. Go ahead, do it. Whether they are silver hoops, some crazy tassels, pearls, or diamonds, pop on your favorite earrings and we guarantee you’ll feel at least 10% more put-together. And feeling more put-together does do real wonders for our brains, sweetheart, getting us one step closer to a complete look we feel amazing in.
  • Check the weather. There is nothing more annoying than getting caught in your favorite suede boots in a downpour. Plus, if you know what to expect weather-wise, figuring out an outfit just got that much easier.
  • Determine what the day requires. Are you dressing for work? Are you staying at home? Are you headed out to run errands? In today’s post, we are covering these five categories:
  • Casual
  • Everyday Style
  • Workwear
  • Special Events (dates, parties, etc.)
  • Formal

(Don’t see what you need in this list? Let us know in the comments below!)

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