Men's lifestyle

Male Body Image: The Naked Truth

“I saw an advertising campaign recently that used a range of diverse models – someone in a wheelchair, someone with Down’s Syndrome – which is great, but it’s a fine line. What we’re trying to do is create a word where a disabled model can walk alongside a mannequin style model. Put in the mix these realistic models, the kinds of people who walk the streets, instead of a ‘freak show’ campaign, just to tick a box.”

For more information on Jack visit here


The Anorexia Survivor

Charles Rüffieux was born with a club foot and diagnosed with anorexia at age 15. He has since overcome the disorder and is now a personal trainer and fitness YouTuber.

“On social media we see amazing guys posting their best pictures. This can lead to a fucked up body image. I remember looking in the mirror, grabbing my fat, and thinking, ‘I need to lose more. I wanted to get ripped to get the girls’.

“Every guy suffers from body image a little bit. It’s like a spectrum. As a guy, it could be awkward to speak up. Anorexia is a ‘girly disease’. One of my friends told me, ‘Don’t talk about anorexia, it’s such a weird disease, it’s not cool.’

“It took me four years to get healthy. A part of me with anorexia is not gone. It’s not a battle but a little voice. But without it I wouldn’t be interested in fitness. It became an area of mastery for me. Being healthy is now a big part of my life.

“If you’re overweight and unhappy, use that unhappiness to push yourself forward. But don’t think you’ll be happy as soon as you achieve your dream physique. And don’t be ashamed to talk about body image.”

Follow Charles on Instagram @Charlesrueffieux and visit his YouTube channel here

The Man With A Penis Enlargement

Stuart Price is from Caerphilly, Wales, and had penis enlargement injections at the Moorgate Andrology centre. The procedure increased the girth of his penis from 12.5cm to 15cm.

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