Men's lifestyle

Male Body Image: The Naked Truth

Why does all this matter? Because body image anxiety is driving potentially dangerous behaviours in men. A 2018 report found that up to a million Brits are using anabolic steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs to build the perfect ripped body. And more men than ever are turning to below-the-belt cosmetic surgery, with a sharp increase in the number of men having penis “filler” procedures to boost their girth or increase the size of their testicles – a treatment so transparent in its fragile masculinity that it’s enough to make your own balls retreat back into your body to escape the horror of it all.

To get this wayward conversation back on track, we spoke to eight men of all shapes, sizes, and professions to get their take on body image. Below they share their insecurities and a few lessons they’ve learned along the way.


The Body Builder

Ryan Terry is a men’s physique competitor and known as “Europe’s fittest man”.

“I got into fitness because I had a complex about the way I looked. When I was 14 I snapped my Achilles’ tendon and I was in a wheelchair for a few months and gained a lot of weight. That’s when my fitness journey began. Training, weights, and understanding food was a great way of channeling my insecurities. I became educated about my body but it helped with my self-confidence.

“To this day, I’m still not a guy who walks around with his top off – that’s only on stage when my alter ego comes out. If someone has self confidence issues, I think the gym is a great healer and tool for channeling that. I don’t feel as comfortable when I’m on an off season and gain body fat – even though I know how to lose body fat – that inner fat child always creeps in. I’m more confident socially when I’m in my routine.”

Ryan is an ambassador for leading sports nutrition brand USN, which has just launched it USN Trust lifestyle range. For more information visit

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