
Working in Fashion: What It’s Like to Be a Financial Analyst at a Luxury Handbag Company

**Author’s note: Due to the sensitive nature of working in finance, the handbag company in question will not be disclosed, and the name of the analyst has been changed. Responses in this article were also edited for clarity.

Hello CF readers! Today is the launch of our Working in Fashion series, where we’ll be taking a look at what real women are accomplishing in the fashion industry. If you want to work in fashion someday, it helps to have an idea of where you’ll be headed and the types of careers that are available. This series aims to help provide that insight.


Our first interviewee, Amanda, works as a Senior Financial Analyst at a luxury handbag company renowned for its high-quality bags and detailed designs. Our interviewee studied economics as an undergraduate, and was also involved in several business organizations and volunteer groups. Find out what she’s been up to in the two years since she’s graduated!

Table of Contents

Interview with Amanda:

What’s a typical day at work like for you?

Amanda: I cover the global aspect of the business, so the majority of my day consists of coordinating with each of our geographical business regions to gauge their individual performance in sales, expenses, strategy, etc. Then I use this information to determine how the brand is performing on a global level.

A typical day may consist of meetings, in person for North America and phone for international, with different business regions and compiling the information into a summary for the CFO. I also work with investor relations and strategy to help with any ad hoc projects that need a finance person.

How did you find this position? (online, word of mouth, networking, etc.)

A: I initially found the job posting on LinkedIn, but I also knew a person at the company who helped put me in contact with the hiring manager.

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