
Why Is My Hair Falling Out & How to Deal with It?

Why is my hair falling out?

How can I stop my hair from falling out?

“Why is my hair falling?” It is a question that bothers almost every woman at least once in a lifetime. However, the situation is not worth the panic. The reasons for hair loss can be different, and not all of them require immediate reaction. Find out the triggers of hair loss. Read how you can get your perfect hair back!


By master1305 The Signs of Hair Thinning

We lose from 80 to 100 strands each day, but they are replaced by new ones. This process is normal. There is also no reason to worry even if your hair is falling out so much and even above this number, yet the hair density stays steady and you do not see your scalp in patches.

However, the signs of abnormal hair loss include:

– Sudden hair shedding without new strands.

– Itching and brittle hair.

– Dandruff.

If these symptoms bother you too much, it is time to visit a doctor.

By Polina Zimmerman Why Is My Hair Thinning: The Most Common Reasons for Hair Loss

First of all, let’s discuss the reasons of hair thinning in teenagers. The primary triggers for hair loss in young people under 14 are:

Severe stress. Strong feelings cause a spasm of the capillaries that feed the hair follicles. Hair dies due to the lack of oxygen and nutrients, causing more or less significant hair loss.

Decline in immunity. Flues, stresses, insomnia are the most common issues that cause declines in the immune system. As a result, its cells begin to attack the hair follicles and cause the alopecia, i.e. bald spots on the head or body.

The teens at 16 can also suffer from hormonal imbalance. When the body is growing up, the thyroid gland begins to work more intensively and a failure in its work occasionally causes hair fall. Girls at 20 can suffer from hair fall because of low plasma protein levels, blood loss, or active androgen production.

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