Fashion tips

What to Do, What to Wear: Museums

With school already started or just around the corner, the anticipation of learning new things should be filling you with excitement! (I am a teacher at heart, you know.) But there’s no reason to confine your learning to the classroom alone.

Fascinated by the works of Andy Warhol? Want to study Michelangelo’s work in the Sistine Chapel? Interested in learning about our missions to space? There are entire museums dedicated to these specific subjects and you could spend a day (or more!) exploring each one!


Not sure what to wear while perusing the exhibits? Below, I’ve created different three outfits that would be appropriate, functional and fashionable for three types of museums: museums abroad, major museums (basically, the top ten in the US), and your local museums (unless you are lucky enough to live in NYC, then the majors are your locals!). I’ll also share some museum recommendations for each category.

Table of Contents

1. Museums Abroad

Dress – ModCloth, Necklace – ModCloth, Purse – ASOS, Blazer –, Flats – Zara

I had the amazing opportunity to study abroad in Rome, Italy during my Fall ’09 semester. During those three months, I learned the ins and outs of dressing for museums… the hard way. Let me save you the frustration and embarrassment with some advice!

First, WEAR COMFORTABLE SHOES! Many of these museums are enormous and very quiet. Heels would not only be uncomfortable, but could also be quite distracting to your fellow museum-goers.

Second, wear something modest, like a dress with sleeves and a hem that sits right above the knee. To be safe, bring along a blazer, which will look chic and be your safety net if the guards think your sleeves aren’t long enough. (This dress code is most heavily enforced at the Vatican Museum. They will make you wear something similar to a poncho if they deem your outfit inappropriate, so just stay on the safe side.)

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