Tattoo guide

What Should You Not Do Before Getting A Tattoo?

To get a tattoo means to permanently commit to a work of art on your body. So, in order for that work of art to be perfect and worthy of its permanence, one has to be well prepared and choose wisely. It is essential for a tattoo to be a well-thought-out decision, rather than something you do spontaneously, otherwise you might regret it.

So, in the following paragraphs we’ll share with you all the things one should NOT do before getting a tattoo. Unless you want to regret the decision and start making appointments for laser removal, here’s everything you should avoid doing before tattooing. So, without further ado, let’s get started!


9 Things You Should Avoid Before Tattooing!

1. Alcohol and Drinking

First and foremost; tattoo artists aren’t legally allowed to tattoo and provide services to customers that appear drunk and intoxicated.

However, in case you being drunk doesn’t seem obvious, and you somehow pass the visibility test and get a tattoo, you might still be in a lot of trouble. There is a reason drunk tattooing is highly advised against. Here are some of the reasons this is the case;

  • Alcohol thins the blood – alcohol acts as a blood thinner which can contribute to a bloody mess you’ll experience during tattooing. Alcohol will cause excess bleeding during the tattooing, which will impair the artist’s vision and ability to trace and tattoo properly. This can compromise the final result heavily. Not to mention that alcohol can dilute the ink, which can contribute to heavier bleeding, as well as a patchy, faded, and completely ruined tattoo.
  • Alcohol impairs judgment – getting drunk and then deciding which tattoo you’ll get can be a terrible mistake. Because alcohol impairs your judgment and makes you think something looks good when it looks horrible, will surely make you regret your decision. You will be asked to approve a tattoo design, the stencil, and where it will be placed. If you make a wrong decision, which you will do when drunk, a surprise will await for you once you sober up.
  • Alcohol changes your behavior – when you’re drunk, your general behavior and reaction to things changes. You can’t control how you move and you become jittery and restless. All of this is not welcome during a tattooing session, because it increases the chances of the artist making a mistake and ruining the tattoo. Such behavior can also lead to a tattoo blowout as a result of the tattoo needle being pushed too deep into the skin and spreading the ink.

2. Blood Thinning Pills

Just like alcohol, certain pills like Aspirin or Ibuprofen can act as blood-thinning agents. It is essential to stay away from such pills (which are usually over-the-counter, anti-inflammatory tablets) at least 24 to 48 hours before getting a tattoo.

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