Tattoo ideas

What Do Teardrop Tattoos Symbolize? – [2021 Information Guide]

Long the focus of internet searches and interesting origin theories, what do teardrop tattoos really mean? Do people get teardrop tattoos in prison? Read on for more insight into one of tattoo culture’s most interesting phenomena. 

Thanks to television and movies, many people have become fascinated with prison culture and the different rituals and practices that take place behind bars.


Perhaps this intrigue comes from people’s desire to experience danger vicariously while remaining in the safety of their homes, sitting on the couch and contemplating the different realities of people’s existence.

The following article examines some of the myths and truths behind this prison ink.

Tattoos in Prison

Of all the different stereotypes and made-for-TV interpretations of life behind bars, one of the most pervasive and dramatized elements is the teardrop tattoo.

Despite the prevalence of this trope in television shows and action movies that fictionalize prison life and capture the attention of the masses, this interesting design has its roots planted firmly in reality.

Before the days of Justin Beiber and Post Malone sporting face tattoos, ink was associated with the fringes of society—most notably criminals—and like many things, special significance was given to these permanent markings.

Within the subculture of prison, tattoos have specific meanings with many designs requiring a person to earn their ink by completing different acts or crimes. By far the most recognized of these prison tattoos is the teardrop.

Teardrops: A Varied and Complex Tattoo Symbol

In the outside world the meaning behind tattoos can be as varied and eccentric as the person sporting the ink. Behind bars the significance of tattoos is much more clearly defined. However, this is not to say that these rules are set in stone, they are useful in gaining a more thorough understanding of what these designs mean.

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