Style & grooming

75 Wet Shaving Tips For Men – How To Acquire A Better Shave

Everything your grandfather would have wanted you to know about the age old tradition of wet shaving. We all start somewhere, right? When I first picked up the razor, my shave was anything but relaxing and self-indulgent. From lather soup to countless nicks and cuts, I’ve put my face through a lot over the years trying to master the art of wet shaving.

However, even nowadays I’m still discovering great tips and tricks along the way. With that said, I’d like to share with you everything I know to help make your wet shaving journey easier and your shave all the better. From creating the perfect lather to mastering your shaving technique, these valuable shaving tips for men will teach you a lot!


Even if you’re an expert who knows how to use a straight razor or safety razor, chances are you’ll be surprised by a few of these tips. Regardless of your skill, one thing is for certain: Your shave will get better, and your face will be glad you read them.

See more about Men’s Shaving Guide: How To Get The Perfect Shave

Prep Before Shaving

Before you even consider picking up the razor, take the time to prep your face first. The process is without question, one of the most important things any man can do. Know the joys and benefits of a pre-shave oil and hot towel.

Reduce The Pressure

When shaving you must use incredibly light pressure. Remember to let the razor’s weight do all of the heavy lifting for you.

Listen To Your Razor

Most men tend to look at the blade; however they forget about one crucial thing: You can tell a great deal about your shave by simply taking the time to listen to your razor.

That means turn off the music, bathroom fan, shut the running water off, and pay close attention to the blade as it glides into each whisker. By doing so, you’ll start to notice the slight variation in sound every single time your angle is out of place. Over time, it will become almost an instinct to change your angle when that sound clicks into your brain.

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