
World’s Top 15 Weird and Exotic Fruits with Pictures and Names

12. Noni Fruit:

Noni fruit originated from Southeast Asia belongs to the coffee family and is also called cheese or starvation fruit. When ripened, this fruit has a pungent odor, earning it the name vomit fruit. Noni fruit is initially green, slowly turning yellow and almost white as it ripens. This oval-shaped fruit is loved by many, though it has a bitter taste.


Although little has been proven, many different health claims have been made about the fruit. The high antioxidant content of the fruit may offer some additional benefits. In addition, the juice from the fruit is bitter, so people tend to use it as part of a fruit juice or smoothie so that the taste can be masked.

13. Rambutan:

Rambutan might look scary-looking because of those spiky-looking hairs, but they won’t hurt you. With a soft and juicy pale interior, this stunning fruit has a texture and flavor similar to lychee. Rambutan is one of the strange-looking fruits native to Indonesia and Malaysia. However, it is also grown in Africa, Hawaii, and other parts of the world and is a weird Asian fruit.

Rambutan has a small pit with a sweet, slightly tart flavor and grape-like texture. This fruit has spines called spinterns over its red skin. These fruits are found either fresh or tinned only in specialty stores because they are highly perishable.

14. Prickly Pear:

You are for sure mistaken if you think a prickly pear is indeed a pear. However, Prickly Pear is America’s native cactus. Therefore, you will be able to consume the fruit and the pads. Often the prickly parts of the fruit are removed when you buy it from a store. You can drink this fruit in jelly, plain, syrup, or candy form. It is a rich source of vitamin C, calcium, and antioxidants, with a taste similar to a watermelon.

15. Breadfruit:

As the name suggests, the Breadfruit tastes similar to bread and offers several health benefits. The name of this fruit is derived from the moderately ripe fruit texture, and it is pretty much identical to a slight potato-like flavor and freshly baked bread. Many tropical regions consume this fruit as a staple food. Apart from eating, the Breadfruit is also used as an insect repellant. This fruit is imported from the West Indies, particularly Jamaica, South Florida, in the US. You can find this fruit from June through October.

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