Men’s fashion trends

6 Ways To Wear The Scumbro Trend

A pinch of sleaze and a sprinkle of streetwear nous all stirred together with the sort of laissez-fairness you could only muster if you were an adored, multi-millionaire celebrity or a zoot toking teenager who refuses to clean their bedroom. It’s basically dressing like a 13-year-old who has stolen his rich step-dad’s Amex Gold or a trustafarian university student slumped in front of Netflix drooling over his seventh pizza of the day.

This is the ‘Scumbro’ – the hottest and oddest trend to come out of fashion since people started wearing measuring tapes as belts. Vanity Fair described the scumbro as a male celebrity able to flit between outerwear brands your geography teaching father would ship and a sporadic smorgasbord of drops from the latest hyped-up, priced-up streetwear brand all at the same time.


The scumbro is aware of the latest trends – the Hawaiian shirt, dad caps, pleated trousers – but choose to wear them self-ironically in a winking, knowing mismatch as a middle finger up to the paparazzi waiting for them outside the hotel. The whole outfit choice is less matchy-matchy and more spewing a mess onto the blank canvas until it resembles a bubbling, dribbling Jackson Pollock. Yeah, take that art/fashion.

Other elements that come into the scumbro look include the cultivation of bum fluff on the upper lip a la Justin Bieber, lank hair dyed within an inch of its life and tattoos spread along the arms.

Just to clarify though, the scumbro isn’t an actual scumbag – its unofficial leader, the comedian and Saturday Night Live star Pete Davidson, comes across as endearingly goofy and fun-loving in his skits and interviews – they just don’t give two hoots about any fashion laws that may have been ascribed.

To qualify, you have to own at least one item from Supreme and any of these six key essentials. We’d suggest picking only one of them to bring into your wardrobe – it takes a true scumbro to pull them all off in one go.

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