
9 Different Types of Pollution on Earth- What they Causes and Effects?

Generally, pollution is the described as an introduction of added substance in our environment which cause a serious issue to us and adversely affect the nature. Due to a rapid increase in the population today, the quantity of waste products is huge in the environment. The contamination of the environment by the substances that adversely affect the human health and other living beings leads to pollution. The substances that affect the environment are the pollutants. The biodegradable wastes do not affect the nature, but unlike the non-biodegradable wastes which do not decompose, are major threats to the environment.


Pollution causes an imbalance in the ecosystem and climate change which has affected our lifestyle adversely. With a growth in technology and modernization, pollution has excelled in which leads to human illness. There are several types of an environment which have seriously affected our life.

Different Types of Pollution List and Their Causes, Effects And Prevention:

The different types of pollutions have their distinct causes and effects to our environment. The detailed study of pollution helps us to understand its types and causes and impact to our surroundings.

1. Air Pollution:

Human activities for ages and their development to make life comfortable deteriorate the quality of air in another way. Air is the foremost important component of man’s environment.

Causes of Air Pollution:

  • The combustion of fossil fuels, biomass, automobile exhaust and many others have released carbon dioxide, carbon mono oxide, sulphur dioxide and also many other components of toxic gases in the air.
  • Some of the sources of air pollution are natural and some are made of pollutants. Forest fires, volcanic eruption, dust storms, decaying organic matters are the causes of air pollution from the natural sources. On the other hand, auto mobiles, agriculture, power plants industries etc are the man-made sources that cause air pollution to exceed.

Effects Of Air Pollution:

These things pollute the air and slowly lower the quality of air day by day. These are the major causes of air pollution. Excess pollutants in the air cause global warming which consequently increases the temperature of the Earth. The rising temperature leads to melting of ice and hence raising the sea level.

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