
9 Different Electric Lighting Lamps (Bulbs) and their Types & Uses

The next kind of lamp is the Metal Halide or MH lamp. They have an arc tube inside a bulb, made of quartz or ceramic with gas like argon, mercury and MH salts. When voltage is supplied at higher than those supplied to the electrodes, it lights up. It lasts for about 16,000 to 20,000 hours.

  • Pros: The biggest benefit is the high luminous efficiency and is a cold light source.
  • Cons: Emits of UV light and contains mercury which is toxic.

f. Fluorescent Lamps:


They ionize mercury vapour in the glass tube. The electrons in the gas thus emit photons at UV frequency. The UV light is then converted to a standard lighting source using the phosphor coating. They are known to last for 7000-15,000 hours.

  • Pros: They use very less energy than the incandescent lamps, about 90% less and also emit very less heat.
  • Cons: They are not too mild for your eyes. Also, the longer they burn, the more they tend to become less white and less bright than before.

g. Neon Lamp:

Neon lamps work by exciting gas atoms that are present between the two electrodes by supplying sufficient voltage. They are known to last for 8 to 15 hours when powered for 24 hours. They come in a range of colours and shapes and are aesthetically pleasing for the eyes.

  • Pros: They are pleased and consume low energy.
  • Cons: Produces UV rays and are slightly more expensive.

See More: Types of Fans and Their Uses

h. Discharge Lamps:

Light in a discharge lamp is produced by the electric arc between the tungsten electrodes, that is kept inside a translucent or transparent fused quartz. They are known to last for a considerable period of time and you can find them in the car and other vehicle headlights.

  • Pros: they last three times more than halogen lamps and offer low energy usage.
  • Cons: The brightness of the light, especially in vehicles is known to produce glare for the driver coming from the opposite side of the road.

i. Sodium Lamps:

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