College life

The Freshman Experience: 8 Week Countdown

It’s mid-July and summer is technically halfway over. A month has already passed since my classmates and I walked across the stage to receive our high school diplomas. The weather is gorgeous, the stresses are minimal, and the freedom feels amazing. For many years, I, like the other members of the class of 2011, have been counting down the days until this fall. Freshman year, here we come!


As anxious as we all are to head off to college, however, it’s important for us graduates to remember that we’ve only got a few short weeks left (eight for me!) before we start our next big adventure. College is going to be amazing, but why should the months leading up to school be anything less? This is the time to celebrate! It’s our time to have one last hurrah with our classmates, friends, and families before heading off in separate directions.

I’m a list person, so when summer started, I created my own Pre-College Bucket List of things all college-bound girls should do before summer ends. (It’s similar to CF’s Summer Bucket list.) With only a few short weeks left before college, it’s time to check off the items on our lists. Here are four things every incoming freshman should do before school starts in the fall.

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