
130 Amazing The Creation of Adam Tattoo Designs and Ideas

It was Michael Angelo who painted the masterpiece we know by the name of The Creation of Adam on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel without realizing the fact that he was leaving a legacy behind both in the spiritual world and the world of art. Now a few centuries later, people are getting a tattoo out of it. The design can be inked right across the back of the chest with a large area and the two arms outstretched from either side to encircle a part of the body. There are more than hundreds of ways to depict this Creation Story.

Michaelangelo worked hard for the creation of his masterpiece for years to pay a tribute to God and man. His painting is symbolic of new birth, an awakening, or an overwhelming feeling of a new beginning. Literally, it signifies the making of the new man. For you to get this tattoo, it is not necessary to be an art connoisseur or follower of any religion. You can get it inked purely for aesthetic purposes or just for the appreciation of the connection between the Creation of Adam and your own journey in life.


The Creation of Adam Tattoo Meaning

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In the original portrait of The Creation of Adam, God is seen as an elderly man with a beard and a cloak wrapped around his body. Adam, on the other hand, is entirely nude. The right arm of God is stretched towards that of Adam to give the spark of life from his finger to that of Adam’s. Adam’s left arm is extended towards that of God in the exact copy of God’s right arm which is symbolic of the fact that man is created in an image of God himself.

The second aspect that is to be noted is the fact that although they reach out to each other, their fingers are not touching each other. It is symbolic of the fact that God, who is the giver of life here, reaches out to Adam, who has yet to receive the gift of life. Both the men are not at the same level, just like two human friends shaking hands over something, for example.

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