
Do tattoos have an impact on your dating perspectives over the years?

Tattoos exist for thousands of years, but perception about them changes with time. They used to be a sign of belonging, status symbols, and a way to show dominance. Those are all reasons for tattooing today as well. Still, in the modern world, things are a bit more complicated. Society today is more complex than ever before, so everybody should think twice before adding some ink under their skin. We’ll focus on tattoos to determine if having a tattoo helps to get dates as we get older.

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How do older people perceive potential partners with tattoos?

It would be a big mistake to generalize about tattoos and how older people perceive them. Everybody is different; people get tattooed for various reasons. Because of that, it’s difficult to determine how older people perceive singles with tattoos in general. Some may think that having a tattoo means a person used to be wild in the past. So they may avoid them. Or the opposite. That may attract them because having a tattoo can signal that a person has a lot of experience. Luckily, legit chat mature platforms have tattoos as filters, so it’s easy to hide singles without them (or find those with ink under their skin). Still, that doesn’t mean seniors should riot tattoo studios and cover themselves with ink to attract potential partners. 

Does a good tattoo make you look hotter at any age?

How people view inked men is visible from the study by Polish researchers Andrzej Galbarczyk and Anna Ziomkiewicz. They’ve shown the pictures of the same men with and without tattoos (added by Photoshop) to many people. Both men and women had similar opinions about tattooed men. Models with tattoos got described as healthier than their versions without any ink. They are also viewed as more masculine, dominant, and aggressive. But women didn’t say that tattoos made men more attractive. Some stated that men with tattoos don’t seem trustworthy when it comes to starting a family. Because of the (perceived) aggressiveness, women think that men with tattoos don’t make good fathers. Of course, that isn’t a rule, but it shows how most people view singles with tattoos.

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