Tattoos with meaning

What Does T-Rex Tattoo Mean?

From the moment we saw our first movie involving dinosaurs, the Tyrannosaurus Rex made an appearance in our nightmares. This giant carnivore was always the “bad guy” in every movie we have seen involving dinosaurs which made them terrifying to us as kids and even adults. However, many of us choose to embrace the T-Rex and all that comes with it by getting a T-Rex tattoo. The T-Rex tattoo is a way for us to honor this ancient monster. It might also be a way to conquer our own fears by looking at the T-Rex tattoo.

There are many reason why someone might get the T-Rex tattoo. In this post we will be talking about the T-Rex. We’ll talk about what it is and the symbolism of the T-Rex tattoo. By the end of this post we hope you have a better understanding of what the Tyrannosaurus Rex is all about and give you some fresh and new ideas for you to think about when you get your very own T-Rex tattoo.


About the Tyrannosaurus Rex

Tyrannosaurus rex is one the most popular theropods in the dinosaur kingdom. Rex means ‘King’ in Latin and this moniker is given for good reason. The Tyrannosaurus rex is one of the most feared dinosaurs to have ever existed.

The T-Rex was one of the biggest carnivores that lived on land of all time. The largest T-Rex ever discovered resides at the Museum of Natural History and is nicknamed Sue. Sue measured 40 feet long, 12 feet high and according to what experts have figured, weighed 8.4 to 14 tons when it was alive. Not all T-Rex skeletons discovered proved to be as big as Sue but even on the smaller side, they still weighed 4.5 metric tons and that is on the light side.

Scientists believe there are T-Rex remains that are still buried that might be much larger than Sue is. However, because of the incomplete nature of the fossil record, the discovery of larger T-Rex might be tough.

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