
Stage Inspiration: The Rocky Horror Picture Show

It’s spooky season and that means one thing for fashion girls like us — the perfect excuse to craft crazy costumes!

The Rocky Horror Picture Show, though originally a musical, is now most popularly known as a cult film. Around Halloween, many theaters host midnight showings of the movie, complete with messy props, full-fledged costumes, and maximum audience participation.


A while back, Glee devoted an episode to this musical and introduced it to mainstream audiences. While some people are annoyed with Glee for “selling out” certain musicals, I take the opposite standpoint. I think it’s AWESOME that there’s an avenue to expose people to Broadway who wouldn’t know about it otherwise. After all, the more people begin to love musicals, the cooler it makes us theater geeks look

So you’ve heard about these midnight RHPS showings, and worked up the courage to attend one in your town — now what? Don’t worry, we’re here to help! Read on to learn everything you need to know before catching the Rocky Horror Picture Show Experience!

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Science Fiction Double Feature

As I’m sure you’ve heard before, RHPS has an insane cult following. Superfans have seen the film dozens of times, know every lyric and every bit of dialogue, and craft costumes that look nearly identical to the ones worn on screen. There are a few things to know about the RHPS experience before you attend:

  • Know what you’re getting into. This may be obvious, but the show is pretty racy. There’s a lot of pan-sexuality involved, so this probably isn’t the greatest event to bring your young siblings/grandma/super-conservative boyfriend to.
  • Initiation. Before the show, a host will usually call everyone who is attending a midnight showing for the first time to the front of the theater. Typically, they draw a “V” on your forehead with red lipstick and have you all repeat a racy oath of allegiance. Often, they have other silly or embarrassing games for Rocky Horror “virgins” to participate in, but don’t be afraid to opt out if it’s something you aren’t comfortable with.
  • Costume contests. It is customary for audience members to dress up as characters from the film. At some point before the show, there will be a costume contest for each character and the winners get to act out scenes as they happen in the movie. Obviously, if it’s your first time to see the show, watching from the audience will probably be your best bet.
  • Props. Be sure to check and find out if props will be provided at the venue you’re seeing the film or musical at, or if props are even permitted. It’s traditional to toss things like prunes, toilet paper, cards, toast, confetti, etc. at certain parts in the movie. Click here for a full list of things you might need.
  • Call outs. Catching a midnight showing of RHPS is also fun because of the callbacks shouted in response to lines the characters say. Click here for a full script of what people say, but don’t worry too much about this part — enough people in the audience will know the shout-out script by heart.
  • Time Warp. The one part of the film that virtually EVERYONE takes part in is the Time Warp dance. Not to worry, it’s simple and silly, and they tell you exactly what dance move to bust out (kind of like the Cha-Cha Slide!). Click here for a step by step tutorial if you want to come super prepared.

Creatures of the Night

Here comes the fun part — figuring out what to wear!

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