Tattoo ideas

What Does SPQR Tattoo Mean?

The SPQR tattoo is as an ancient Roman tattoo that was worn by gladiators, soldiers, slaves, and criminals in order to distinguish them from everyone else. These days most people get these tattoos as badges of honor that they wear proudly on different areas of their bodies. Below you will find information on these SPQR tattoos, including some of the different designs that people choose to get and some of the meanings you might like to use if you get one of those designs.

SPQR, which stands for Senātus Populusque Rōmānus and is translated as “The Senate and People of Rome,” is actually still a symbolized stamp found and used in Rome today. The stamp is sometimes just the letters, sometimes has a wreath encircling the letters, and most commonly has an eagle inside of a golden wreath above the letters. Most people do not get the SPQR tattoo to represent the city, but there are some folks who will show their pride in Rome by getting one.


Many people who choose to get SPQR tattoos today are doing so to show that they have a voice that needs to be heard. They often feel oppressed and get one of these designs to bring awareness to certain social issues. It is not uncommon for a group of people to get these SPQR tattoos together to show their unity in the fight against a specific cause.

Others will get their SPQR tattoos to say that they will never forget the injustices that were put upon those who were forced to wear those tattoos. This is an interesting form of heritage tattoo to get if you happen to have connections to people who were oppressed. These tattoos show that their owners will do all that they can to make sure that those types of unforgivable injustices will never happen again. Really, you don’t even have to have a direct connection to those people; what really matters is that you believe in this message.

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