College life

Everything You Need to Know About Mixers

You did it! You made it through Recruitment, joined your perfect sorority, and now it’s time to attend your first mixer.

So, wait… what’s a mixer?


A mixer is a closed party between one sorority and one fraternity. “Closed” means that members from other Greek organizations or non-members are not allowed to attend the oh-so exclusive party. Often, a sorority has a certain frat that they mix with the most and refer to that frat as their “brother” frat.

Photo by: Callie Jardine 

Table of Contents

How to Be Fully Prepared for Your First Mixer

1. The fun part about mixers is that each has a theme. For example, it could be a beach theme night where all of the brothers pull out their coconut bras and hula skirts. Most members tend to go all out for these events, so don’t be shy to fully embrace the lei.

2. Always have a buddy system at mixers. Although these are smaller events than the typical “open” a.k.a. inclusive college party, still be safe and go with a small group of sisters and remember to look out for each other.

3. Make friends! Mixers are intended for you to make guy and girl friends, embracing your Greek letters. Don’t go into these events with a mindset of, “I’m going to meet a super hot guy.” Be open minded to long-lasting friendships!

4. Eat a big meal before the event. Mixers can be long. Sometimes you have to stay for the full party. Never pull the “I want to look skinny in my pictures” excuse and not eat a big dinner before. You don’t want to be miserable and hungry all night.

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