College life

Top 5 Life Lessons I’ve Learned from My Time as a Sorority Woman

I know what you’re probably thinking.

“A sorority, really? Isn’t that just a way of molding female college students into clones of one another who only care about who has the best hair and what boy they will be going with to the Sigma Apple Pie semi-formal?!”


To answer the previous questions:

1. Yes, hello! I will always be the type of girl who will admire another sister’s great hair. How does she do it?!

2. I’m not quite sure what a Sigma Apple Pie is…but it sounds yummy! Can I get mine with extra cool whip, please?

Bottom line: being in a sorority means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. While some think it is a way of conforming to fit a standard, others think of it as an amazing opportunity that has and will open many doors for them.

My experience? I have been surrounded by many women, both in my organization and within the greek community as a whole, who have inspired me with their drive, passion, and compassion. I have met older sisters who have mentored me through things as little as boy drama to as big as switching majors.

At this particular moment in history, I think it is more important than ever for women to have a seat at the table and an army of empowered females to rule with.

Mine just happen to come in the form of a Delta Gamma sisterhood.

Fun and games are certainly part of greek life, but being in a sorority doesn’t come without its life lessons! So, here are 5 very important life lessons I have learned from my collegiate sisterhood years: 

Related reading: My Sorority Experience: What It’s Really Like to Be in a Sorority (Good and Bad)

Table of Contents

1. There is a time and a place for everything; pick and choose your battles with a level head.

I’m not saying all your ideas, opinions, and comments aren’t important. I’m saying, are they worth saying? And are they worth saying right now?

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