Style & tattoo ideas

50 Salvador Dali Tattoo Designs For Men – Artistic Ink Ideas

Surrealist art was almost insignificant until Salvador Dali. His artwork depicting imagery and symbolism with deeper meaning creating a resounding following that continues even today.

Especially with men, his art showcases imagination, desire, and persistence.


His beautiful works of art are not just interesting as they add a different depiction of regular objects into a more modern tone. They are considered interesting in that they break through visual art into a spiritual art. The use of colors are very specific, using reds to indicate anger or loss. Blues indicate sadness or emotionlessness towards life events. His art transcends the bounds between the physical and emotional things we see, hear, feel, and understand and delves into the things we wish could be.

For many men, his artwork resonates deeper than in women. This likely is due to the fact that many men are working a decent job, but not one they dreamed of at 5 years old (race car driver, fire fighter, astronauts). They are fantastic providers for their families, raising children and doting on their loving wives. However, at some point, a man is seen as a provider. His dreams are no longer talk at the dinner table. Instead, it is softball games, math classes, and the yard work that needs completed.

Every little boy dreams. Salvador Dali has taken that sentiment and changed it so every man can continue to dream as well.

These designs will definitely get you dreaming about your next ink session:



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