Beauty and hair

How Curology’s Personalized Skincare Completely Changed My Skin (& a GIVEAWAY!)

We’ve all had our fair share of skin issues in the past, but I’m sure most of you can relate to one of the peskiest problems of all: acne. Yup, it’s not just for teenagers. College girls get acne too, and let me tell you, this girl is sick of having to deal with acne in her 20s.

Fortunately, brands today have come up with some incredible treatments that can go up against acne and win! I was given the chance to test out what is honestly one of the most personalized acne treatments out there today: Curology


Curology is a brand that provides personalized treatments to people struggling with skin issues like acne, blackheads, whiteheads, cystic acne, and more. 

What does “personalized” mean exactly? How about customized ingredients specifically tailored to your skin? What about a medical provider available for you at the touch of a button that responds to your every question and concern? The list goes on. 

I’ve been testing out this service for a full month to give you guys the scoop. Keep reading to see what my experience was like and if I’d recommend giving this a try!

Table of Contents

Meeting My Specialist 

Laura’s profile

The first step in this process was getting in touch with my specialist, Laura. I completed a survey and sent in photos of my face, then I was matched with Laura, who analyzed this info and formulated the best possible treatment for my skin. The survey was incredibly quick and painless, and Laura emailed incredibly useful information explaining the function of each ingredient in my custom formula. 

Ingredient Selection

Speaking of ingredients, I mentioned how Curology is incredibly personalized, and this is where that factor comes into play. Laura took my photos and survey answers to create a specific treatment from a list of six potential ingredients. Each of these has a unique function, and they’re explained incredibly well on their website. 

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