Fashion tips

4 Quick Ways to Reinvent Your Wardrobe for the New Year (On a Budget!)

We’ve all been there: You’re standing in front of your closet for what feels like a million years, waiting for that perfect outfit to jump out at you, but for some reason, the magic isn’t happening. You’re sick of everything you own and want to change things up. Obviously you don’t have the money to go out and buy a full new wardrobe, so what is a girl to do?

I had this problem this week, so I brainstormed a few solutions. Here are a few quick tips for revamping your wardrobe. With the new year finally here, now is the perfect time to try some new strategies!


Table of Contents

Shop your closet

If you’re anything like me, then you’ve probably got loads of stuff that you haven’t worn in months just sitting in your closet waiting to be re-discovered. These items are probably buried so you don’t see them right away when you open your closet. Your old favorite sweater dress from last year? Check. That scarf you wore every day for a month then promptly forgot about? Check. Those booties that you swore you would never stop wearing because they’re just so comfortable? Check.

This my favorite tip for a few reasons. First of all, it’s yours for the low, low price of free. Who doesn’t love that? Second of all, it’s easy. There’s no need to trudge out into the snow or spend hours searching for that perfect item of clothing online — you already own it! Finally, shopping your closet allows you to re-discover older items of clothing that you may have loved and forgotten about. And who knows? You might just find that one sweater that you fell in love with but haven’t been able to find in, like, forever.

Buy Used, Online or In Person

We all know it’s the right thing to do for our wallets and the environment, but how often do we really shop used? Take this as your casual reminder that you can save a ton of money by shopping second-hand, especially for designer goods.

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