Health & wellness

10 Tips to Reduce Belly Fat in 5 Days

Who doesn’t dream of flaunting a slim and trim waistline? Especially with wedding season fast approaching, five days is all you need to achieve it! Yes! In this article, we shall guide you on how to reduce belly fat in 5 days by making simple yet effective lifestyle changes. Sounds tempting? Read along to find out more.

Before we move into the tips section, let’s first understand what is belly fat and what are its risks? Belly fat is excess fat deposited in the abdominal region, which is also called Visceral fat. Compared to all other types of body fat, this one is associated with the dangers of heart strokes, diabetes and other life threating problems.


How To Lose Belly Fat In 5 Days?

While it is not practical to remove belly fat naturally at home in 5 days, following these tips can certainly reduce the size and volume to a certain extent:

1. Reduce Calorie Intake:

Calories are nothing but the amount of energy released by a particular food. Taking a diet that is high in calories produces excess energy, which often gets stored in the form of fats. This is why you must keep a count on your calorie intake and energy output to strike balance. For the next 5 days, indulge in low-cal meals like fruits, raw vegetables, soups, and seeds etc. It is one of the best ways to lose belly fat without exercise.

Read: Reduce Tummy Fat In 10 Days

2. Low-Carb Diet:

Carbohydrates are important to keep a body active. They are converted into glucose which produces instant energy. When an excess of carbs is taken, the glucose production also increases, which gets stored in the adipose tissues as fat deposits. This is why experts suggest cutting down on carbohydrates, not only to lose gut fat, but also for general well-being.

3. Moderate Intensity Workouts:

These 5 days, you must consciously take up a medium intensity workout. Plan for a practical exercise schedule, which has a combination of techniques like weights, crunches, planks, aerobics, Pilates, jogging, swimming etc., This can give you fast results in losing some extra bulk in your waist. Remember to respect your body limitations and not overdo things.

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