
20 Hilarious Pranks To Do On Friends

Everybody loves a good prank. Especially when you are the one doing the pranking. The immense joy you get from a joke at the expense of a good mate is priceless. Of course, you don’t want to be offending or hurting anyone, but a good joke really does hit the spot. With April Fools’ Day just around the corner, there’s no better time than now to come up with some pranks to do on friends. 

When it comes to the type of prank you want to pull, the options are endless. The pranks detailed below are great ways to get a few laughs at the expense of your family, friends, co-workers, or even your partner (if you are brave enough). Some are quick and easy jokes while others require a little more planning and execution. The bottom line is these practical jokes will have you rolling around the floor in hysterics. 


1. Mentos In Coke 


Everyone knows what happens when you put a Mentos in a bottle of Coke. Boom! An explosion of Coke that goes everywhere. This is a great prank that always gets a laugh but is a little harder to set up than others. You need to open the coke and secure the Mentos underneath the cap with some sort of thin material. Then once the lid is screwed back on, cut the excess material and make sure the top is on tight. Then give the bottle to your friend to open and watch as Coke goes everywhere. This is probably best done outside or on a tiled floor, as you don’t want Coke all over your carpets. 

2. Toilet Paper Poo


This is a bit disgusting but still super funny. Leaving a fake poo lying around is sure to cause drama, whether it is around the home or in the workplace. Just grab a toilet roll and wet it under some water. Once damp, break up the cardboard roll and then mash it together in the shape of a turd. All you need to do then is let it dry and leave it somewhere it might get some attention. This could be on the toilet itself or on someone’s office desk, as shown in the photo above. Just make sure the person you play the prank on can take a joke, as for some, shit is no laughing matter. 

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