
Is Pomelo Good for Pregnant Women?

Pregnancy can greatly alter your diet. Food you may like may not be suitable for you and your baby. While those you never liked before may turn out to be what you’re craving for now. Fruits of most types are generally good for the health during pregnancy. While you may have never liked oranges or citrus fruits, pregnancy has been known to alter your taste and make you crave such fruits. With a weird craving for Pomelo, are you wondering ‘Is pomelo good for pregnant women’?

Pomelo is a lesser common citrus fruit. The fruit is native to Southeast Asian countries. Pomelo now though is available in most parts of the world. It is slightly larger than a grapefruit. The flesh is white, yellow, pink or red. The fruit is sweet and tart in taste. The white variety is milder in taste than the pink pomelo fruit. It has all the nutritious value of other citrus fruits. Can pregnant women eat pomelo? Let’s find out.


Benefits of Pomelo During Pregnancy:

Here are some of the benefits of pomelo for pregnant women.

1. Foetas Health:

All citrus fruits including pomelo are very good sources of folic acid. Lack of folic acid during pregnancy can greatly increase the risk of fetal birth defects. Pomelo during pregnancy helps to maintain good health of the baby later.

2. Strengthening the Immune System:

Pomelo like most citrus fruits is a storehouse of vitamin C. Pregnant women need at least 85mg of vitamin C nutrient every day. Having a fresh pomelo fruit or consuming its juice is a great way to fulfill vitamin C requirement during pregnancy. It also adds variety to your citrus food sources during the pregnancy. Vitamin C protects from cold infections. It basically strengthens the immune system.

3. An Antioxidant:

Pomelo is also a great source of other antioxidants such as lycopene, mostly found in the pink or red variety of the fruit. It strengthens the body cells and protects it from illnesses.

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