
35 Amazing Polynesian Tattoo Ideas with Meanings and Ideas

The Polynesian form of tattoo designed grew further into a popular kind of artform since it was produced in nations like Samoa and Tonga. In Tonga, especially, the warriors embellished themselves with these kinds of tattoo patterns from their knees to the waist. This tattoo art was mostly done in tribal or geometrical patterns which includes various shapes, like bands, triangles and circles and the spaces in between them filled with black ink. Obviously, black ink was the most common type of ink used. Unlike the modern-day tattoo artists, at that time, it was the priests who got trained for years and obeyed rituals who were responsible for this tattooing process. Regarding the rich symbolism, in the Togan culture, it held a significant implication for the people.


Polynesian tattoo, for a lot of people, stands for vitality and vigor, however, these are only the parts of what it actually stands for In case your tattoo artists are knowledgeable enough, he can guide you with the various designs and its symbolism, otherwise, everything is pretty much available on the internet and you can infer from the information given here. We have created this list exactly for this purpose, to help you guide through this. Since these are mosaics and geometrical pattern which includes various small symbols to make a whole, there are many micro symbols incorporated too.


The usual association of these tattoos is with determination, strength, and will-power of a person. But a further association is with dominance too, since you can find a lot of spears, shark teeth, and other sharp objects on the tattoos too. They stand for fierceness and versatility. If you delve more into this topic, you will find that a lot of symbols are associated with the surroundings including nature and god. There is the utilization of objects like turtle shells etc. Each symbol stands for various different things which might overlap with each other sometimes. They basically stand for thing slike peace, shelter, and wellness in addition to which is also potency and breeding.

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