Tattoos with meaning

What Does Planets Tattoo Mean?

Mars Tattoo

One of the most common planets to have tattooed is Mars, one of the planets leaving you the most energetically charged. Known specifically and scientifically as the “red planet,” Mars, though the second smallest planet in the galaxy, is known as the most likely inhabitable planet in the Milky Way galaxy. Typically, an indication of inner strengths, Mars is known for indication motivation, confidence, strength, and stamina. Popularly known as the ultimate motivator, Mars gives you the energy to power everyday life, to power and express your anger, and to promote sexual drive as well as insight into what you crave emotionally in a relationship. As it’s said, according to basic astrology, if you were born in stationary Mars, you’re known as a person of action. If born in retrograde, your energy comes internally, potentially even confined to internal.

Saturn Tattoo

Saturn is commonly known in astrology as the energizing planet. Typically expressing ambition, vibrant life lessons, and adequacy, Saturn is also known to be more practical, implying a need for limitations and boundaries, through many different outlets, spanning over career and life goals and beyond. If born in Saturn retrograde, you’re known for your choices in success and failure. Born in stationary Saturn, you’re known for your discipline and determination to succeed.


Mercury Tattoo

Mercury is known in astrology as the symbol of communication. Specifically, it defines communication style as well as thought process and problem solving. Typically, those who are born in a stationary Mercury are communicative thinkers. If born in stationary, you’re well known for thought and communication. In retrograde, you’re known for your intuition and introspection.

Venus Tattoo

Venus tends to hold a more romantic meaning in astrology. It is said to affect who and how you attract others. Those born under Venus tend to be more social and romantic, with more insight into what you want in your personal life, including relationships – both romantic and interpersonal, as well as your perception towards quality of life in many various aspects and your social and personal abilities. Born in retrograde, you’re known for being rich in finances both monetarily and in romantic relationships. Born in a stationary Venus indicates a predominant social life with heavy ambition for romantic and financial success.

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