Style & grooming

Patchy Beard 101 – How Patience Beats Facial Hair Patchiness

Instant gratification. It’s something all gentlemen desire; however, when it comes to beards, they are no exception. The truth is, much like growing a beard in the first place, beating patchiness requires a waiting period.

No man grows a thick, Viking style beard overnight. It takes time, dedication to men’s grooming, and, most importantly, good genetics.


The same is true for a patchy beard. It’s a lot like beard itch; it lasts a week, then it’s gone. Only patchiness can and often does last much longer; that’s just life.

Much like the young man growing a beard for the first time who experiences the dreaded itch, there’s absolutely no reason to overreact let alone, worry. Starting a supplement regimen or spending hours concocting a home remedy would be considered foolish.

While I’d love to tell you there is a miracle cure that instantly solves a patchy beard overnight, there’s isn’t!

Without good genetics, you are well, literally out of luck, my friend. However, before you get disappointed, there are a few simple steps you can take to make your beard woes less painful while looking in the mirror.

I’m going to go over them with you here in a second, but just keep in mind what I mentioned above. A patchy beard, much like an itchy beard, requires one thing: Patience. A virtue every gentleman should possess, especially one with the intent of sporting a beard.


Easier said than done. Right now, you’re probably ready to call it quits and shave off your partially grown beard. Sure, it might look better in the meantime, but again, don’t let instant gravitation get the best of you!

If you set out to grow a thick, full beard, do it. In all honesty, no one is going to remember how you looked six months from now. There are plenty of men who have patchy and spotty beards well into their later years, but chances are you, and everyone else has failed to catch it all this time.

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