Hair colorHighlights

Partial Vs Full Highlights: 5 Doubts You Must Clarify Before Choosing One

Partial and full highlights are a great way of adding a touch of color to your hair. Adding highlights can completely transform your style and may be able to revitalize any hairstyle or haircut.

Once you commit to the idea of highlights, you will need to decide on partial vs full highlights. We will try to clarify the difference between partial and full highlights so that you will feel more confident about which style to pick.



Difference Between Partial Highlights and Full Highlights

The main difference between partial and full highlights is the amount of your hair that they cover. With full highlights, your hairstylist will seek to add highlights throughout your hair. On the other hand, if you choose to have partial highlights added to your hair, the stylist will only add highlights in certain sections of your hair.

The areas where the stylist will add the highlights will depend on the look that you are trying to achieve. They may only be added to the top layer of your hair, or they may be added to the front sections. With partial highlights, the possibilities are endless.



If you are short on cash, you will be pleased to know that one of the partial vs full highlights differences is the price. Partial highlights are normally less expensive than full highlights because less work and fewer materials are required. On the other hand, full highlights might be a better value for money.



Full highlights can be used to give a more dramatic effect to the hair than partial highlights do. Because a lot of the base hair color can still be seen through partial highlights, the effects tend to be more subtle.

However, full highlights can dramatically change the overall color of the hair and help to give it the appearance of texture. If you do want a subtle look from a full highlight style your hairstylist should be able to arrange this for you.

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