Hair care

5 Benefits of Using Organic Hair Colors Over Chemical Ones

The advantages of organic hair colors are many! Hair health is on the mind of every man or woman who indulges in hair coloring, whether they’re in the salon every other week getting a touch-up or simply want to switch up their style on a whim.

But let’s face it- we all know how horrible hair dye can be on the locks, causing some serious damage, dryness, and even breakage.



Advantages of Using Organic Hair Dye

If you want flawless locks stepping out of the salon, what’s a girl to do? The answer is simple: try out organic hair color.

No Harsh Chemicals/Additives

Most hair dyes are loaded from top to bottom with harsh and harmful chemicals such as peroxide, ammonia, and resorcinol. Not only are these ingredients terrible for the health of your hair, but they also smell just as bad! Organic hair color is completely natural using only herbs to create color.

Lovely Henna Hair Color Ideas 


Works Effectively

When deciding to try organic hair dye, your biggest question is undoubtedly going to be this: does it work? While you may think only pure, natural ingredients won’t have the spunk to color your hair root to tip, you would be incredibly surprised to find out that they work JUST as good as the chemically-charged hair products.

Of course, just like with ANY hair coloring results will vary from person to person, but you can rest assured that organic coloring will be just as good as regular hair color when it comes to achieving the results you desire.


Causes No Breakage

You don’t have to worry about breakage when it comes to organic hair color products, which is enough of an advantage for most men and women to have them making the switch in a millisecond.

Say goodbye to that awful at-home or salon treatments that leave you with brittle ends- some of which may come off during the dying process; YUCK!

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