College life

New Years Resolutions for Students: How to Make 2020 Your Best Year Yet

You’ve seen it all over your social platforms – this new year is a big deal. It’s the end of the 2010s, the end of our childhoods!

If you’re a believer in the fresh start that a new year can provide, the start of a new decade is the best possible time to create some new beginnings for yourself.


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Change can happen at any time, of course, so there is no pressure to do anything differently just because it’s a new year. However, if you’ve been meaning to make a change or better yourself, there’s no better time than now!

Here’s our ultimate guide to new year’s resolutions for students, with our best tips for making 2020 your best year yet.

Table of Contents

Make a Vision Board

We’ve talked about vision boards before and how they are a great tool for manifestation and inspiration. The beauty of a mood board or vision board is that there aren’t any rules – yours can be as small or large as you’d like, with as few or as many photos as you feel you relate to.

Whether you choose to make a physical board or a digital one, your creation should represent your goals and dreams for the new year. Find photos that make you feel inspired and relate to your goals, whether academic or otherwise, and combine them in a collage.

If it’s digital, make the board your phone or laptop background. For a physical board, find a spot in your bedroom that you always see.

The point is to have the board in sight often, to remind you of your goals and keep you inspired!

Create Realistic & Specific Resolutions

The main problem people have with new year’s resolutions is that they’re often not realistic, and/or they’re way too vague. This results in people setting goals and then forgetting about them or straight up giving up on them.

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