81 Classy Micro Braids Hairstyles That Are So Trendy Right Now
27. Over one Shoulder
Grab all of your micro braids and pull them around your head so that all of your hair falls over one shoulder. This style can help to show off your face and will keep your hair out of your eyes.
28. Goldilocks
Caramel tones mixed with chocolate brown hair look gorgeous on the flawless black skin. The colors mix together really well to help to create a color that looks almost golden. It is perfect for those who want a regal look.
29. Doughnut Topknot
Pull all of your hair up into a high ponytail on the back of your head. Use the hair from the ponytail to wrap around your hairband and create a tight looped doughnut shape. Secure the doughnut in place to keep your high hairstyle looking perfect all day long.
30. Black and White
Micro Braids look really cool when two different colours are integrated into the style. Black and white (or blonde) are great contrasting colours to choose if you are giving yourself a micro braid hairstyle. The different colours will help to give your hair a really eye-catching aesthetic.
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31. Glamorous Curls
Take the bottom sections out of your micro braids to create this part-braided hairstyle. Use rollers or curling irons to create glamorous curls in the bottom section of your hairstyle. Be careful using heated curlers or rollers if your braids are not styled out of all natural hair.
32. Thick and Thin
Start your braided hairstyle off with thick braids at the top of your head, but work down towards smaller braids as you get towards the end of the hair. This women’s hairstyle is easy to create when you are styling natural African-textured hair.
33. Subtle Braiding
Subtle micro braids close to the scalp can be a style choice or they could be a great way of attaching a weave to your natural hair. Subtle braids like this can add a delicate detail to any type of hairstyle for women.