Hair typeNatural

How the LOC Method for Hair Ramps Up Moisture and Health

As more and more people are deciding to enter the world of chemical-free hair, they are quickly learning that choosing not to put chemicals in your hair is only half the battle. You now have to learn how to care for your natural tresses and one of the popular methods is the LOC method.

Caring for your natural hair goes further than styling. The most important part of caring for your hair is to ensure that your hair is healthy. Years ago, when the natural hair care movement was on the rise, several hairstylists and people caring for their own manes began to look at the methods that worked best to maintain a healthy head of hair.


LOC routine worked like a charm and here’s a quick guide to LOC that’ll help you determine if it’s suitable for you.


What is The LOC Method?

LOC Method

LOC is an acronym for liquid, oil, and cream. The LOC method keeps moisture locked in your natural hair. Naturally, tight curls are prone to dryness. When your hair is dry, it becomes frail and easy to break. Keeping your natural hair moisturized is essential for your hair to stay healthy and thrive.

Your hair strands are made of a protein called keratin. Keratin is also in your skin and nails. This protein is necessary for your hair’s health and well-being, but it also is the main culprit in drying your hair out. It is crucial to find the right balance of protein and moisture for your hair.

The LOC method can help you find that balance. The LOC method involves a three-step coating and layering process that includes a water-based product or water, an oil, and a cream-based product. Each layer of coating is done with a specific intent to help lock the moisture in place.


The “L” in the LOC method stands for liquid.

Liquid is the most crucial element in hydrating your hair. The liquid used can be either regular water or a water-based leave-in conditioner.

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