
Edible Flowers: Top 15 Eatable Flowers and Facts About Them

Are you a fan of edible art? Of course, the classic and timeless tradition of floral centerpieces on the dinner table never goes out of style. But did you know some edible flowers show up on your dinner plate? Yes! Edible flowers are found on menus worldwide and are used in different cuisine styles. The flowers that are safe to eat offer a unique color and burst of flavor to even simple dishes.

Whether it is a salad, sauces, entrees, or beverages, you can incorporate edible flowers into your dishes for special and unique dishes. This article presents you with a list of edible flowers available worldwide.


15 Best Edible Flowers Around The World:

Suppose you didn’t know that flowers have been a perennial gastronomic delight for ages. In that case, you must look into the edible flowers mentioned in this article to gain more knowledge. Read on!

1. Borage Blossoms:

Borage is a herb that produces star-shaped, small, and blue flowers, which are delicate and come in pink and white colors. Therefore, it is also called a starflower. You can use the borage blossoms in the kitchen because the leaves and flowers are edible. These flowers have a flavor similar to honey and cucumber, which is slightly sweet.

You can use borage blossoms to garnish for cocktails and desserts or eat them fresh in salads. In addition, these blue edible flowers can be used in pasta fillings, sauces, soups by cooking.

2. Calendula:

Also called pot marigolds, Calendula has daisy-like flowers that are annuals. The heads need to be removed as only the petals of these flowers are edible. The Calendula flowers have a yellow to orange and red that add a tint to dishes similar to saffron. It is easy to grow these flowers as they are easy, prolifically edible.

The Calendula flowers have a spicy, tangy, peppery, or bitter flavor depending on the variety. These edible orange flowers work well for salad garnish, rice dishes, homemade butter. In addition, You can add dried calendula flowers to a variety of soups.

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