
Is it Safe to Lifting Heavy Weights During Pregnancy?

Staying in shape is a very important part of staying fit and healthy even during your pregnancy. Though you do put on some weight during your pregnancy. This weight is mainly to help manage the growth of your baby. The extra weight is proof that your baby is growing strong and healthy. Though gaining weight is a natural issue, gaining too much weight is a very detrimental issue. That will affect your overall health during your pregnancy. That is why it is necessary to always stay in shape.


Now the most asked question during pregnancy is can you lift weights while pregnant which should be a very controlled affair. Too much weight lifting may cause a strain to your abdomen. Which may affect your baby’s health and give you a lot of discomforts. But if controlled with the right method you may be able to stay in shape and keep your baby healthy and happy over the nine months of your pregnancy period.

How to Do & How Much Weight Do You Lift:

There are however some weight lifting pregnancy workouts that you may want to try. These methods differ from person to person depending on personal strength and how much a person can take. If you wish to first gain a little weight before trying to lift weights. Then try and eat more and not lift at all but once you wish to keep your weight in check. Then try lifting light weights that keep your body comfortable and not too stressed.

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Do not try to ever lift heavy weights during your pregnancy. As your body will not be able to take the pressure. But you can lift light to moderate weights to stay in shape during the period. There are a number of companies available online. That give elaborate information on the schedule of weight lifting during pregnancy. To help you be better informed.

Weight lifting during pregnancy has to deal with some caution. Lifting heavy weight should be avoided. It however depends and differs with one woman to another. For some, lifting very heavy objects will cause premature childbirth, while for others, it might not be too dangerous. Weight lifting is generally done to strengthen your stamina, that is a must during delivery. Therefore, it is at best consult with your doctor before you start to lift weights.

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