
How To Use Lemon For Hair Growth? – 8 DIY Methods!

The importance of lemon to a healthy body needs no special mention. From strengthening your immune system to aiding in weight loss, there is very little that this citrusy fruit cannot do! But, did you know the benefits of lemon for hair? Yes, you heard that right! There are numerous ways in which lime can promote stronger, shinier hair.


Whether it is dandruff or hair fall, greying or dullness, lemon or Nimbu can work as an elixir to your hair. Along with drinking lemon juice as part of your daily diet, trying out a few homemade masks with this ingredient act as sure-shot remedies for your hairy woes. So, why the wait? Read along to understand the various methods to apply lemon on hair, along with some of the major benefits and drawbacks of using it on your mane!

Benefits Of Lemon for Hair:

Many people believe that using lemons on hair can dry out the strands and also turn them grey. However, this is far from true! Lemons are actually good for your hair and scalp when used in the right way. Let us look at some of the major advantages of incorporating this sour fruit in your hair care routine:

1. Antioxidant-Rich Agent:

Lemons are rich in Vitamin C, flavonoids and other antioxidants, which fight free radicals that damage your hair cells. They also protect your hair from damage from exposure to UV radiation and daily wear and tear. Besides, antioxidants also prevent oxidative stress to reduce the risk of premature hair greying and hair fall (1).

2. Anti-Microbial Properties:

Lemon is a powerful anti-bacterial and anti-fungal agent that can combat infection-causing microbes that lead to scalp problems. As per a study, Lemon juice is highly effective in reducing the growth of Malassezia, a type of fungus that causes dandruff (2). It can offer temporary relief from itchiness and white flakes on the scalp.

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