
10 Best Kegel Exercises That You Can Try During and After Pregnancy

The baby during the delivery is pushed through the pelvis, pelvis muscles, which hold the bladder, uterus, and rectum in place should stretch unimaginably for the baby to come into this world. Even though the body releases a hormone named relaxin that loosens and stretches the pelvic muscles, the kegel exercises for the pelvic floor muscles are essential for further stretching of these muscles for smooth delivery. After birth, these pelvic muscles get weakened, causing pelvic health problems. By performing Kegel exercises during pregnancy, post-delivery can strengthen these muscles and brings back the holding capacity of the pelvic muscles.


What is the Kegel Exercise? Is It Safe to Do During Pregnancy?

Kegel exercise, also known as pelvic floor exercise, is named after a famous Gynecologist, Arnold Kegel. These exercises strengthen and engage the pelvic floor muscles. These muscles support the bladder, uterus, small intestine, rectum, control the flow of urine, and support the contraction of the vagina. These exercises involve relaxing and squeezing of muscles in the genital and pelvic areas. Kegels can be performed during and after the pregnancy to strengthen the pelvic floor. Most of the pregnant women worry about whether to perform these exercises. It is absolutely safe to perform these exercises during pregnancy, and the same has been certified by Arnold Kegel. These exercises are widely accepted throughout the world, and many doctors even suggest to perform these exercises regularly.

Benefits of Kegel Exercises During Pregnancy:

Kegel exercises are absolutely safe to perform during and after Pregnancy. These exercises can be performed not by pregnant women, but everyone can also perform them. Some of the benefits that include are

  1. Strengthening pelvic organ support: Due to the vaginal childbirth, the pelvic organ prolapsed occurs. Pelvic organ prolapsed refers to when the uterus, urethra, and bowel sag down into the vagina; this is because of the weakening of pelvic floor muscles. Doctors, as part of treatment, suggest performing Kegels regularly.
  2. Improved bladder control: Many women experience leakage of urine when they cough, sneeze or laugh during Pregnancy or after Pregnancy. This is because of the weakened pelvic floor. Performing Kegels regularly can treat the condition of urine incontinence.
  3. Reduce the risk of fecal incontinence: Due to the weakened pelvic floor, you experience leakage of stool before rushing to the washroom. Kegels can strengthen the pelvic floor, which in turn supports the rectum and fecal incontinence.
  4. Strengthening of pelvic floor with these exercises can help different pelvic health symptoms that commonly arise during and after Pregnancy. These include constipation or pain in bowel movements, painful urination, pain during intercourse, lower back pain, etc.

See More: Lifting While Pregnant

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