Tattoo guide

Jobs That Allow Tattoos: Where Can You Work and Show Off Your Ink?

Even though tattoos have become pretty acceptable and mainstream in today’s society, there are places and environments where they’re considered unacceptable. Tattoos can create so many problems for regular people if they want to work in certain industries or branches. Why?

Well, many people associate tattoos with criminal activities and problematic behavior, so they need to be hidden in the workspace.


However, some jobs and careers do not mind people with tattoos. In some jobs, tattoos are even more than welcome as a form of self-expression. So, if you’re job hunting, and you have some fabulous ink that you don’t want to hide, then you’re at the right place.

In the following paragraphs, we’ll go through some of the best jobs for people with tattoos. These jobs don’t require your tattoos to be hidden, nor are they associated with something negative. So, let’s get started with the list!

Careers and Industries That Welcome Tattoos

Saved Tattoo

1. Sport Jobs

In case you’re into sport, you may consider taking advantage of such a career since many sports activities do not mind tattoos. Athletes or sports enthusiasts take care of their bodies to the fullest, so there is no need to consider the tattoos as a sign of lack of care and self respects, as some people would describe.

So, sports jobs that allow tattoos include football player or manager, basketball player or manager, sports events organizer, club or team manager, sports analyst or commentator, or any other sport-related jobs.

We do have to mention that some forms of sport do not tolerate visible tattoos, like Olympic sports in case you’re an athlete. It’s not that tattoos are forbidden, but it is more preferred that athletes do not have visible tattoos during major events and competitions.

2. Physical Jobs

When we say physical jobs, we mean a job that requires physical work away from direct clients. Such jobs require physical strength and responsibility, so tattoos aren’t really considered a negative thing. They’re more of proof of one’s ability to self-express, handle pain and endure challenges.

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