Lifestyle & relationships

Is Jealousy Healthy in a Relationship? The Good and the Bad

Jealousy is an emotion that plagues every relationship. No matter how confident you are in yourself, the green-eyed monster is sure to rear its head at some point. But you might ask yourself if jealousy is healthy in a relationship? Good question. In short, yes it is, but it can also quickly become a problem.

When the word jealousy is mentioned it is usually done so in a negative connotation. People automatically think if you are a jealous person then you are controlling and insecure within your relationship, but this isn’t necessarily the case. Jealousy can actually be a positive sign of a healthy relationship.


It all depends on how you as an individual deal with jealousy. Some people can get easily jealous but shrug it off as nothing major and forget about it, while for others it can become a big deal and lead to problems in their relationship. It is all about how jealousy and envy manifest in a relationship that shapes your view on it.

No matter your personality type, everyone experiences jealousy. It is a natural human emotion, so don’t be too worried if you get a pang of jealousy when your partner gets attention from the opposite sex. Although jealousy can cause problems, if you handle it accordingly it can be harnessed in a positive way that can strengthen your relationship.

What Is Jealousy?

Jealousy is a complex emotion that creates a plethora of feelings. When jealous you can feel angry, fearful, suspicious, controlling, hurt, and more. In relationships, it is an emotion often triggered when you feel threatened by someone who you think may be trying to hit on your partner, even if there is no truth to that.

It is normal to feel jealous when you see your partner talking with another male. Or maybe she is talking to you about work and heaping praise on Jared from accounts. Whatever the reason, jealousy is an emotion that hits instantly and makes you experience all the feelings, but more often than not is quickly forgotten. For most, jealousy is an emotion that vanishes as fast as it appears. But when you indulge in the feelings that come with jealousy and begin to act on them, that is when it becomes a problem.

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