
Interview with an Intern: Brooke Callahan

Photos courtesy of Brooke Callahan

CF: Vintage inspiration. Love it. So where do you usually shop?

BC: My fashion philosophy is all about personal style rather than following the latest trends and owning pieces that no one else would have. I love shopping at Goodwill, especially Goodwill Outlet; everything is priced by the pound and you really have to search, sometimes through dingy children’s toys and rolls of toilet paper (for real), but it’s totally worth it.


CF: With such an eclectic, unique sense of style, we’re curious: what are your fashion “guilty pleasures?”

BC: Definitely weird and old hats and a steadfast backpack.

CF: What does “dressing for success” mean to you?

BC: It is important for the people you are working for to know you take the job seriously and have a professional attitude by what you wear. That being said, you don’t have to lose your own personal style.

CF: Do you think there are any “survival skills” one needs to know before working in the fashion industry?

BC: Invest in comfortable shoes. You’ll most likely either be walking everywhere, on your feet all day, or both.

Photo courtesy of Brooke Callahan

CF: What’s your favorite part about your job right now? 

BC: I’m lucky to work with an awesome group of interns. We get to have a lot of fun and it’s one of the main reasons I look forward to going to work every day.

CF: What advice do you have for college students who want an internship placement like you have? 

BC: Everyone says this industry is all about who you know, which can be true, but not always. I called tons of human resource departments and sent my resume wherever I could. Be persistent. If you want something bad enough you will find a way to get it. Also, write a cover letter for every internship you apply for, it looks a lot better than just a short intro and a resume.

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