Tattoo guide

How To Treat Blisters After Tattoo Removal?

Blisters, scabs, and crust are all a good sign; when they occur, it means there is a new layer of skin being formed and the treated area is healing. The reason blisters occur themselves is more of a protective nature. The bubbles the blisters cause are a form of skin protection; the bubbles are preventing germs and bacteria from entering the treated area and causing infection.

How Long Do Blisters Stick Around?

Once the laser removal process is done, in the place where the tattoo once was, blisters will appear. From the moment they appear to the moment they turn into scabs and crusts and fall off, you will have to wait between a few days to a few weeks. To be more precise, the longevity of scabs depends on numerous things;

  • The severity of the blisters
  • The type of the tattoo that was removed (the color of the ink)
  • The placement of the former tattoo

Now, if the tattoo was placed somewhere highly sensitive, where the skin is thinner and there are a lot of nerve endings, the blisters might stick around for a week.

On the other hand, if the removed tattoo was colored and contained pigments like red, yellow, or green, the blisters will be more severe since it will take more time and heat for the laser to diffuse the ink. If the ink was black, the laser removal will be done faster, meaning the blisters won’t be as dramatic and might heal in up to 72 hours.

So, How Do You Treat Blisters Properly?

Upon laser removal procedure completion, you will be provided with information regarding the aftercare. However, sometimes you simply need more insight when it comes to the very treatment and aftercare, so here it goes;

  • Keep the treated area clean – we don’t recommend you start cleaning the treated area right away. Just like with new tattoos, you need to let everything calm down and start drying out for the first few hours at least.

Then, you can proceed to wash the area once a day with lukewarm water and antibacterial soap. Make sure to tap dry the area once you’re done, using a paper towel or a clean towel/cloth.

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