
Tips To Achieve Smooth and Soft Hair

5. Boiled Apples:

Boiled apples promotes hair growth and also works as a natural conditioner. It cleanses your scalp and makes your hair silky smooth.


Things You Need:

  • 1 Big sized Apple – Boiled


  • Make a paste out of boiled apple
  • Applying it to your hair while it’s still a little warm
  • After 30 minutes rinse it with water.

6. Mayonnaise Mask:

How to get soft hair? The answer is, by applying a mayonnaise mask. Mayonnaise supplements your hair with essential oils and keeps it soft and shiny. Full fat mayonnaise yields the best results.

Things You Need:

  • Mayonnaise – 1 Cup


  • Section your hair with clips
  • Using a brush, apply mayonnaise all over your hair
  • Cover it with a cap and leave on for 15 minutes
  • Rinse it with a mild shampoo

7. The Beer Formula:

Beer is great for hair. Yes! Beer! It makes your hair really soft and adds a wonderful shine to your hair. It has a high content of vitamin B, phospholipids and many other nutrients. After shower just spray a little beer on your hair and then blow it dry.

Things You Need:

  • Beer – 1 cup
  • Water – 2 tbsp
  • Spray Bottle


  • Mix Beer and Water in a spray bottle
  • Spray it all over your hair
  • Leave it on for 20 minutes and Rinse with water

Hair is sensitive and requires good care to shine and be soft hair. These above simple tips and remedies should help you be everyone’s hair-crush give back soft hair. Try these and comment here for better tips.

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